Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Post #5: Wikipedia-is it completely reliable?

   "Wikipedia" is a visitor-editable encyclopedia that has thousands and thousands of pages/articles on many different subjects that can always be added, deleted, and edited.  "Wikipedia" may be useful on some occasions, but it is not a completely reliable official source for something.

   On "Wikipedia," there is no way to customize basic layout; it has list of varying subcategories on one topic and list of quick information on the top right side, and references and external links on the very bottom.  Also, there is not really any screening system for what can be added as an "Wikipedia" entry at the very beginning.

   Edits are possible on entries on "Wikipedia" but for "major edits" it has to go through some processes and any edit can be deleted without notice.  The information entered always have to be cited and if not cited, then it would be deleted.  That is another unreliable part about it because some would go off the radar somehow and stay up there anyways even if it is not cited, reliable, or relevant.

   "Wikipedia" can be fun and is somewhat useful information source for personal use but it has its own flaws and issues.

   Go check out Wikipedia!

1 comment:

  1. You're doing some good stuff here, but I would like to see you push your commentary a little more. That is, I think your discussion of these topics could have more depth and be more challenging.


    P.S. Numbering your posts is distracting, and you don't want to distract your readers from the point of your posts.
