Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Find "mind-mapping" online!

   People work better with visual aids a lot of times than without them.  Having something visual helps themselves and others see the point of idea(s) and presentations for example.  Visual aids are more tangible and more likely to be remembered in the future.  There are different tools that can be used as visual aid for self and/or others.  For example, for personal use, there is mind-mapping.
   Some websites online have the program for the mind-mapping.  To name a few, there are "bubble.us" and "freemind.sourceforge.net."
   "Bubbl.us" is a website that the user can sign up with name, username, email, and password, then form and save different mind-maps.  The user can start by filling out the center bubble, then keep branching out by forming other bubbles that branch out from the center bubble or keep going into subcategories in already branched out bubbles.
  For "Freemind," the user has to actually download the program and install it before using it.  It even kind of looks like "Paint" program with big white space, and tools and options across the top and on the left side.  The user types in the center bubble then click on the child node icon, while the targeted bubble is highlighted, then keep branching out.  Other options can also be used to add whatever features desired onto the mind-map.
  Both seem useful to map out the ideas for an assignment, a topic, a course, personal brainstorming, and so on.  Being able to save different maps under different names is pretty neat too.  One thing about "freemind" is that it looks a little bit confusing because all the tool icons are not quite straight-forward to understand so it takes awhile to figure everything out before being able to actually start anything.  "Bubbl.us" is simple and straight-forward enough to just get on and keep moving because while the cursor is on each bubble certain amount of tools show up automatically every time.
   Now that I know about these neat free tools, I think I will probably be using these to organize my thoughts and ideas better.  Mind-mapping programs like these that don't require sitting around, drawing and connecting every single line and circle/bubble, would help make them look good and easier to access again in the future.  And also it would save some time and make it look a whole lot neater as well.


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